Flexible Expansion Loops

VERVIEW:  ML Loop flexible pipe loops from Flexicraft are an important expansion joint alternative in adding flexibility to a piping system. Compared to hard pipe loops, they take up much less space, require fewer supports, and are more economical. Compared to traditional expansion joints, they have outstanding flexibility in all directions, and has no pressure thrust loads that can add large stresses to anchors and require more guiding. And also see our standard  ML Loop in a "U" design.

They are also ideal for seismic isolation to protect piping and equipment during earthquakes. Large movements in all directions allow for absorption of the random seismic displacements.

The loops are also available in all stainless, nested configurations, with liners, CSA / AGA approved, and with any end fittings. Pipe guides are also available for use with the loops.

ML Loop Comparison to Metal Expansion Joint



  • Single standard design ML Loop flexible pipe loops come stocked for movements of +/- 1-1/2" or 4" in all three directions. The standard loops come with 150# flanges, weld, grooved, or sweat ends. ML Loops can also be made to order for any movements or ends specified. All stainless versions, other fittings, and special movements are all available.

  • Single ML V Loop flexible pipe loops come stocked for movements of +/- 1-1/2" or 4" in all three directions. The V loop is an alternative to the standard U loops provided by Flexicraft. The standard loops come with 150# flanges, weld, grooved, or sweat ends. ML Loops can also be made to order for any movements or ends specified. All stainless versions, other fittings, and special movements are all available.

  • Copper ML Loop flexible pipe loops come stocked for movements of +/- 1-1/2" or 4" in all three directions. The standard loops come with female copper sweat ends for copper pipe system. Copper ML Loops can also be made to order for any movements, and in nests for parallel piping lines. 1/2" to 4" sizes.

  • Selected sizes, designs, and materials for the ML Expansion Loops have been tested by the CSA / AGA for use on gas pipe lines. These loops are used primarily in seismic zones to minimize the possibility of gas line ruptures.

  • Nested ML Loops can be used in parallel pipe runs to keep all the expansion devices at one location and to save space.

  • The ML Loop isolates seismic movements in piping systems and on piping equipment.