OVERVIEW: The Model YIF is a cast iron Y strainer (wye strainer) that can be used in applications for steam, water, oil, or gas where protection from foreign matter in a pipeline is required. The YIF1 is 125# class with flat face flanges, and the YIF2 is 250# class with raised face flanges.

They are constructed from cast iron castings, and have flanges that are drilled in accordance with ASME B16.1. Perforated 304 stainless steel screens are welded along the seam for maximum strength. If the media is not specified, screens for liquid will be supplied. Lead free.

The YIF strainers are available with ports to measure differential pressure across the basket, which can indicate if the screen needs cleaning. A third port is available for a temperature gauge.

Non-Shock Working Pressure for the YIF1 is 2" to 12" is 125psi at 350F for steam, 175psi at 150F for water, gas, and oil (WOG). For 14" and 16", it is 100psi psi at 350F for steam, 150psi at 150F for WOG. the YIF2 is 2" to 12" is 250psi at 4000F for steam, 400psi at 150F for water, gas, and oil (WOG) for all sizes.

These Y strainers self-clean by opening the drain plug connected to the blow-off port. See the maintenance instructions for more detailed information on servicing the strainer, and the submittal sheets for additional technical data.

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